
Study related Notice

2023 Student Entrepreneurship Team 300 Competition

작성일 : 2023.04.24 | 조회수 : 173

[2023 학생 창업유망팀 300 경진대회]

가. 모집개요
    1) 건명:‘2023 학생 창업유망팀 300’도약트랙(유학생) 홍보(
    2) 목적: 국내?외 시장 기반의 창업아이템을 보유한 우수 외국인 유학생 창업팀을 발굴 및 육성
    3) 주최/주관: 교육부 / 한국연구재단, 한국청년기업가정신재단
    4) 모집대상: 부처통합* 경진대회 진출을 희망하는 외국인 유학생 창업팀
        * 부처통합 경진대회: 도전! k-스타트업 2023 
    5) 선발규모: 10팀 

    6) 주요일정

2023 학생 창업유망팀 300 경진대회



[2023 Student Entrepreneurship Team 300 Competition]

A. Recruitment Overview
1. Title: Promotion of '2023 Student Entrepreneurship Team 300' Leap Track (International Students) (
2. Purpose: Discover and nurture outstanding international student entrepreneurship teams with startup ideas based on domestic and foreign markets
3. Host/Organizer: Ministry of Education/Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science & Creativity/Korea Youth Entrepreneurship Foundation
4. Eligibility: International student entrepreneurship teams who hope to advance to the integrated ministry competition
• Integrated Ministry Competition: Challenge! K-Startup 2023
5. Number of Selections: 10 teams
6. Main Schedule

2023 학생 창업유망팀 300 경진대회