General Life


Living in Daejeon

Local : In Daejeon City

Information on Public Transportation in Daejeon City
Living in Daejeon

Travel Outside of Daejeon

1. Express Bus (Express Bus Terminal)

Daejeon Complex Terminal is located about 20-30 minutes from Woosong University bus stop. Buses are divided into high-end seats with fewer seats and better facilities, and regular seats with more seats and cheaper prices.

Location: Daejeon Terminal Complex (대전복합터미널) - 대전광역시 동구 동서대로 1689

Bus Tickets Purchase: Bus tickets can be purchased on online ticketing websites, via mobile apps or directly at ticket offices in bus terminals. Check the platform number of your bus through a monitor or screen in the terminal’s waiting area and then board the bus at that platform. Typically, you can board a bus starting five minutes prior to the time of departure.

  • On-Site Purchase: Visit the Daejeon Terminal Complex and use one of the Ticket Machine (English Available)
  • Online Purchase: (Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese)
2. KTX Train

Daejeon Station is a 20-minute walk from Woosong University. You can buy tickets at the ticket office at Daejeon Station to catch the train or use the mobile app Korail Talk or Let's Korail site.

Location: Daejeon Station (대전역) - 대전광역시 동구 중앙로 215

Daejeon operates a public bicycle program called "Tashu" to promote the use of bicycles.

A Tashu bicycle can be rented from one of the bicycle rentals (kiosk) scattered throughout the city by simply registering for the service with a valid ID. Almost 3,400 Tashu public bicycles are available at approximately 260 rental stops.

Eligibility and subscription information

Who can use? - Anyone over 13 years old
- Ages 13-19 need parent or guardian’s permission
Operation hour Rental time: 5 AM ~ 12 Midnight / Return time: 24 hours a day

Member Classification

Paid members Users who have registered through the homepage and purchased at least a 7-day pass
General members Users who have registered through the website but have not purchased a pass
Non-members Users who have not registered

Fare information and payment method

  • The fee shall be based on a minimum of one hour rental.
  • Repeated use is possible within the time range of the basic usage fee. In this case, there is no additional fee for use.
  • Additional charges for extended use are based on 30-minute increments.
Division Paid Members General members/Non-members
Basic 1 year(365days) - 30,000 won
1 month(30days) - 5,000 won
7 days(7days) - 2,000 won
1 day – 500 won
Method of Payment Mobile phone, Credit Cars Mobile phone or T-Money
Billing Location Tashu Website Station (Kiosk)/td>
Additional Charge Excess of 1 hour up to 3 hours: 500 won for 30 minutes in excess
If exceeds 3 hours, every 30 minutes 1000 won

How to Use “Tashu” Bicycles

  • Membership : Register for membership on the “Tashu” Website: () and make payment after signing up, using a credit card that has the transportation card function.
  • Non-members : Use a mobile phone authentication app.